-1 Star: FALSE TEACHER: Lisa Bevere's "Be Angry But Don't Blow It!"

Readers should know who the author is before they read the book, so they can know what to expect and be cautious when discerning the truth. Lisa Bevere is the wife of John Bevere, a prosperity gospel member of the Word Faith "denomination" or what I would call "cult". I do not use the term "cult" or "heresy" or "false teacher" lightly. I use these terms to describe someone who I believe knows full well that they are teaching falsehood and still teach it for riches. After reading John Bevere's outrageously false book "Relentless", I am certain the three terms fit the Beveres. Still, with an open mind, looking for any benefit this book might have, I read this book. I mean, even false teachers might get something right, right? I have seen Sheila Walsh write one good book after a lifetime of false teachings, but sadly, this Lisa Bevere book is filled with the same errors her and her husband have tricked people with for years. I hope after reading my review, you will understand how this book "sounds good" on the surface, but if you discern carefully, you will see the errors.

Ch 1: Lisa Bevere throws a plate at her husbands head in anger and blames him for making her mad. She writes, "Anger in and of itself is not wrong, but rage and fury escalate it into the dimention of the destructive."
=== TRUTH: Godly anger is not wrong, but selfish humanistic prideful anger is always wrong. In the greek language, Godly anger is a different word from selfish anger. In the original Greek, the Bible is very clear: only godly anger or righteous anger is ever considered good. Selfish anger is always wrong. Lisa should have clarified, because her teaching will lead readers to believe all anger is okay, as long as you don't let it turn into rage. Clearly, throwing a plate at John's head had nothing to do with "godly anger" or "righteous anger" and even Lisa admits this on page 5, when she writes, "I fell asleep under the blanket of self-justification and righteousness. Gone was my repentance."

Ch 2: Lisa Bevere quotes Ephesians 4:26 as a command to "Be angry" and she even puts it in italics, giving readers free reign to sin in anger as much as they like. She writes "God gives us permission to be angry. He knows and understands man's inborn capacity for anger." "Anger is as valid a human emotion as joy, sorrow, faith, and fear. God tells us, "Be angry", because it is okay to be upset. Even God gets angry... as a matter of fact, quite frequently." "There is a fine line between anger and sin." Bevere alludes to the idea that "age, personality, position and place" help determine sin. Her examples: The older you are or the more authority you have, the more responsible you are and the more you should know better. TRUTH: A sin is a sin, no matter who does it. Pg 9, she explains that when she was younger, that she would honk and curse people while driving, but when her "little ones were copying [her], [she] no longer enjoyed the priviledge of yelling at strangers." Wow. That's scary. Her only reason for stopping was that her children were mimicking her. It had nothing to do with repentance and acknowledging the error of her sinful ways or obedience to God or Christ-likeness or living a life to glorify God.

Pg 10, Bevere uses dictionary definitions for anger to show us that anger is okay and not sinful. She determins that "Anger by definition should be brief and transitory, not drawn out and dangerous." She even has the nerve to falsely teach, "God models the healthy type of anger for us: "For His anger lasts only a moment" (Ps 30:5). The rest of the chapter is spent showing us how "short-term anger" is good, but "long-term" anger is wrong, when it turns into "bitterness." Bevere even uses Eph 4:26 out of context to justify her claims, declaring that "letting the sun go down on anger" shows that holding anger for a long period can "progress toward the destructive ledge of being angry and sinning." Bevere's teaching that short-term angry is not sinning is completely false. All selfish anger is sin. Only righteous anger can be good.

Ch 3: Bevere tells how she used to punish her husband in anger until he had earned his way out of punishment. This chapter is spent telling readers to make sure not to carry anger past nighttime in accordance with "Don't let the sun go down while you are still angry" or you will carry that anger into the next day and the next and the next until you have a weeks worth of anger.

Ch 4: This chapter is about "the progression from anger to sin, or the progression of anger to rage to fury." Again, Bevere is teaching falsely that anger is natural, normal, healthy and not a sin. She calls "rage and fury" the sin. But she justifies "anger" as normal and good because it is "short-term". Bevere quotes Neil Clark Warren's book, "Make Anger Your Ally", "anger is described as a completely natural, perfictl legitimate. It is that internatl happening which prepares us to cope with hurtful, frustrating, and fearful exdperiences." And "anger is simple a state of physical readiness." She uses the horrific analogy of holding a gun and claims "Of course, there is nothing wrong with being ready, willing and able to respond, or shold we say to shoot. no harm has yet been done, we are just booting up for what might lie ahead." In describing rage as not yet sinning, she writes, "Aiming [the gun] doesn't necessarily come with a commitment to shoot." Then she begins to add the last part, "Rage continue to progress to fury as our temperature rises, and at this point we are committed to shoot." So only when we are COMMITTED TO PULLING the trigger we are sinning? This is completely false! Didn't Jesus say Mt 5:22 But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister, will be subject to judgment. Jesus does not seperate anger and rage and say these are okay and only fury is wrong. According to Bevere, fury is where you pull the trigger. That is the point where you physically act out. Jesus' entire point is that the inner man counts, not just the outward physical demonstration. Bevere caps off her false teaching, "We [just] watched as the natural response of "anger" was escalated to the dangerous final and regrettable stage of fury. This example illustrates the dividing line between constructive anger and descructive fury." FALSE. This internal anger is not constructive to say the least. In otherwords, Lisa Bevere is teaching that in chapter 1, her anger towards her husband was "constructive" all the way up until she threw the china at his head. And this would also mean that in chapter 2, where she spends a great deal of time telling how she would punish and make her husband "pay" in her mind, that all this anger was "constructive" because she "didn't pull the trigger" yet? Wow. What a false teaching.

I could not read any more of this book. But I read this review to show those open enough to read my review that the Beveres are false teachers and to warn them that these "wolves" will devour those who do not discern wisely.


  1. Replies
    1. Lisa Bevere is one of the most inspiring, "tell the truth the way the bible teaches it" follwers of God. Completely inspired by the Holy Spirit in everything she writes. It is sad, when bits and pieces are pulled out of one of her books, pulled completely out of context and then displayed as a bashing session on the internet. Not to mention, true people that are part of the body of Christ DO NOT talk ill of ANYBODY! But that's okay because you know what, she doesn't have to defend herself, God does it for her!

    2. I agree--I think it is truly sad when people establish blogs/websites for the purpose of bashing fellow Christians--even if they are in error. I wonder what GOD thinks of this kind of bashing and back biting activity. And no I am not one of the Beveres writing this by the way.... I'm guessing the Beveres are too busy trying to reach people for Christ to defend themselves...

    3. So glad to read the responses above and I am astonished at the mis-reading of Lisa Bevere's writing which is scripturally balanced and points the reader to their need of God's transforming love. I believe that people who tear down the ministries of others, like this writer who is clearly confused about what constitutes false teaching, need to take heed to themselves and the damage they may cause to the Body of Christ.

    4. i have read every book John Bevere has written and it has changed my life for the best as i serve the creator and man the way i was intended to ; with enthusiasm. Shame on you blogger for speaking half truths. this just proves that one of us does not listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit.

    5. I do not believe that Christians should bash fellow believers. It's wrong. Plus, the world and the devil never run short of accusations against God's children, and we must resist the urge to criticize. That said, we all have favorite authors, preachers and teachers...and others who are definitely not favorites. I will just say that Lisa Bevere is NOT among my favorites and leave it at that. Her husband, John Bevere, has something positive to offer.

    6. I think lady that you have some jealously you need to deal with. Stop bashing and distorting the truth. These people are doing a mighty work of God. Be careful bashing people God I'd using.

    7. The last time I checked, anger was an emotion. I didn't realize that emotions were a sin. If that's the case then joy is a sin. That doesn't sound right to me. I suggest your arguments fell apart before you even started. If you understood that an anger was an emotion, the perhaps you would understand what she is trying to communicate in her book.

    8. Joy is more than am emotion: it is fruit from the Spirit of God! Galatians 5:22-26: but I believe that anger is an sin...no, but how we react with our anger could be sinful.

    9. The writer of this critique seems to be filled with self-righteous and puffed up resentment toward Lisa Bevere which is unfounded.
      The writer takes things out of context (a problem many have when reading the Bible as well) and refuses to look at the actual message, nitpicking the way the message is presented rather than standing back to really appreciate the message in its entirety.

    10. My thought is that one must be more careful about saying things like this about God's anointed workers. The writer of this blog seems to be spiritually blind. Someday she will see that she missed the mark.

    11. Is this the only way you can get attention, by judging and pointing a finger at a woman of God.
      How many Christians actually follow you or buy your books?
      Have you ever been an international speaker and invited by many different churches to preach and speak?
      Has any church ever invited you repeatedly to speak and minister?
      I suppose all these pastors and congregations that invited them are misled and confused as well ?

    12. No no Jackie - read Matthew 5: 22 again!! You did not quote this correctly! Now I did not judge you - but what God and Jesus said about being angry is not exactly the way you understand it. I honestly think your argument does not hold. If we are real reborn Christians we need to "repent". I cannot see how Lisa is false by the statements you made??? (Because you quoted scripture incorrectly.....)

    13. God got angry - so it can't always be sin.

    14. This blog is a weak, flimsy argument. Your examples reveal no significant heresy or deceit by Bevere. These kind of 'evangelists' are often in it for themselves, the money or fame and twist Bible verses for their own profit. I don't see that in this blog. Bevere's may be guilty of it but you need to do more research.

    15. God said be angry and sin not ..throwing an object at her husband was in sinful angry . Being angry at injustice that allow people get away with lawless acts that is a Godly anger because its at sinful acts ...

    16. Hmm. I didn't get too far into this assessment before I realized what an overblown attack it was. Anger is an EMOTION. What you do with it is the key.I have no further comment because I could not ingest any more of this.

    17. “The worst part of success is trying to find someone who is happy for you.”
      ― Bette Midler
      I have seen the Bevere's lives off stage, off camera.They are the most true, authentic, genuine people even in the family of God. Plus, they are all so darn good-looking. Shame on you, but I forgive you.

    18. I have been blessed by Lisa and John's messages, they have said it again and again that that they are not perfect, they are still learning and I think every teacher out there is just the same as them. None of us is perfect including you dear blogger, my thoughts are; giving opinions is ok, making corrections to what we think is wrong is ok and understanding things differently is ok, but calling people false teachers because of the reasons you mentioned is not ok

    19. These teachers need exposing , they are leading people astray , twisting scripture and watering it down in many cases. we need to pray that they turn away from doing this and we can do that buy praying, both Lisa and her husband are damaging but God will forgive if they REPENT . Amen

    20. and i have had enough reading of your half baked review

    21. and i have had enough reading of your half baked review

    22. Lisa Bevere does not even know the meaning of words, especially the meaning of "LOVE". I just read her article "God does not love us equally…he loves us uniquely."
      She says a dog is replacable like a glass, and if the dog dies the owner will just buy a new one and love it the same way... She obviosly has no idea what love is and how unique God's creatures are, she is just full of herself. Does she not know she is a sinner like all humans? As for animals, everybody can read Proverbs in the Bible, it is good against placing ourselves too high.
      And for those out there, who don't like criticism: the inquisitors, like Tomás de Torquemada,called themselves Christian, too. They drove many people away from God (among other things), but you won't say anything even against them...

    23. OK, so you're "intellectually-minded" but you didn't finish the book you set out to review.
      Next, you're not so much reviewing the main message of the book--I don't see where you are communicating the arc of the writer's argument--as you are responding to your own problems with that argument. In other words, you're not giving the writer's ideas a platform; you are just voicing your objections throughout the review. Face it, you didn't read her book, you reacted to it.
      Last, in reading your blog I can see that you and Ms Bevere differ in how you see anger. You see it as sin and Ms Bevere sees it as a human emotion that can lead you into sin. Right away you should know that you're not going to like this book. You should have said, "convince me" and then read with an open mind that made notes of the points before sharpening for a rebuttal. As book reviews go, this one belongs on Amazon and not on a blog.

    24. I Disagree with you. I pray you will receive discernment on the truth. The Beveres are truthful. Sometimes so truthful that it leaves a nasty taste in our mouths until we come to understand

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This is really Sad The author is immensely angry and vexed I can feel it in her writing. I am sorry Author that you have been hurt in your past. Your bitterness is overflowing. If you think Lisa is so false, I pray that you will forgive her and not let it fester and grow in you. I have never read the book you are talking about but from what you are critiquing I can see that your accesment is incomplete. All I sense is your range and fire as if, if you had the power to bring fire and brimstone from above you would burn up Lisa. The emotion of anger you are talking about has surely become one with you. Sad. Would you say your emotion towards Lisa is righteous anger? 🤔 Well I'll leave it there because just from what you wrote, I sensed no love towards anyone in question. What I sensed is defined in the real world and in God's realm as hate. Try critiquing the book again but this time allow a different spirit to rule your emotions.
      Thank you 🙂

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oh Jackie you are so blind....

  4. Lisa Bevere sold her books to my church and then her necklaces. What a racket this cult of personality bible teaching is, with Beth Moore along for the ride to teach that any examination or criticism of a teacher is not proper for a Cristian.

  5. My dear jackie, get a life! Ur Soooo blind. Lisa and john are not ashamed to say they are not perfect but are growing. Jackie, u nid to get born again.

    1. Proverbs 17:15, "He who justifies the wicked, and he who condemns the righteous, Both of them alike are an abomination to the LORD."

    2. They are ordained by God to speak the truth of the Gospel. This site is being used by Satan to pervert eternally life changing messages! What Satan cannot destroy he perverts and this is what this site is doing!

    3. When did the LORD Our GOD anoint them to be His Prophets? Tell us Where in the Holy BIBLE our Lord teach us to be angry but don't blow it. You know SATAN has his Churches, too.

      The HOLY BIBLE is the Words of GOD. Teaching away from the HOLY BIBLE cannot be from GOD, but SATAN.

      1 John 4:1
      Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.


    4. Galatians 1:8 NKJV

      But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed.

      Many false teachers and prophets have gone into the world, we must test them according to Gods word, and we know Gods character - he is slow to anger . Anger is most definitely a sin.

      Jackie don't be discouraged in speaking the truth, only speak it in love.

    5. So you know that the bible says God is slow to anger. It never says God NEVER gets angry. So if Anger is a sin, does that mean God is a sinner? (Dont read what you believe, rather believe what you read) God bless.

  6. Thanks for this Jackie, I was about to buy the book, but something in my spirit just called for me to check out more about her online! Very informative.....and you did not attack her as a person, but simply pulled out what she said and compared it to scripture. This convinces me that not buying the book is the right decision. There is no point being biased too Mrs Beveres, or biased against her, let us simply take what the Word says. Anything that does not conform to it is simply...false.

    1. The enemy was dissuading you, not God!! These two teachers are God ordained to speak the truth!

    2. They are ordained by God! They speak the truth that transforms and prepared one for eternal life with God! The devil perverts what he cannot destroy and this site is perverting the truth spoken by John and Lisa Bevere.

    3. Why don't you understand that God is love, that his love is infinite and inclusive ? you call yourselves people of God, with your little fights of who is right and who owns the truth.

  7. I am reading her book and it has helped me out tremendously. Maybe it would have you too if you had read the book before judging her based on her past. At least she was honest and showed us how God has delivered her from her angry past. As Jesus said, Let him who is without sin cast the first stone....

  8. Wow, how wrong you are. I cannot fathom that you would seek to call them false teachers. God have mercy!!!

    1. Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false profets. Luke 6:26 Wow u people must have no dicernment at all. If you can't see the bevere family is false. I only had to hear this lady preach for a moment to find out she was wicked. She was advertising her son as being single with a picture of all 5 of her son's on the screen behind her. After that she goes on and on about how she was trying to get her dad saved. She said she was gonna read some of the Word so she doesn't forget to. Like she didn't want to get called out for not reading the Bible. Her message is all about I I I. And one more thing me. It's selfish. The Gospel is about Christ and winning souls not that bull crap! Who ever wrote this blog. Keep it up. The true gospel needs to be unleashed.

  9. I was about to join a bible study by Lisa Bevere and am researching her online. This was helpful to me. thanks!

    1. Hey!! The Internet is not a good place to research about preachers or ministers of God. It's either they are criticized or pulled down in one way or the other, even the most honest of them. You can check the Internet about preachers who made impact in Christianity in the past and you'll be shocked what you'll see.

  10. God says to let us reason together; comparing what she says to what He says is the right thing to do, since God is always right! And from the book quotes listed and compared to Scripture, this reviewer is correct in what she says about Mrs Bevere's teachings in this book. They weren't taken out of context, in fact this reviewer placed them into context and then compared them to Scripture.

    People will always let you down, and Satan loves to distract us from the Truth. No person is infallible, except for the Person of Christ alone. Some of those making comments appear to be following a person, not The Person. Maybe they are the ones who need to consider their spiritual conditions, not the author of this review.

    These are the last days and we love to hear false teaching; we have "itching ears" and love to be told that what we want is okay with God! Examine yourselves.

    1. Jesus warns us to be aware of false teachers. Know your Bible, know the Holy Spirit. Nothing wrong with discernment. Don't put men 's teachings above God's. The Bevere's believe in things NOT taught in the Bible. Sorry.

    2. bjbrjf makes more sense than any of you others!!

    3. Please stand strong in the Holy Spirit. The only Judge you need concern yourself with is God the Father. I do not believe your comments were made out of "jealousy" or misguided emotion. Pray for your detractors. The Word is infallible. Ms Bevere is on very shaky biblical ground (Lioness Arising.) I anticipate fallout soon.

  11. Your post makes me angry. So I guess I just sinned.

    Please do us a favor Jackie - learn proper grammar and read the bible for yourself. The old testament if full of examples of how God demonstrated his anger. Obviously anger is not a bad thing in every context. Jesus didn't overturn a table in the temple because He was thrilled to see people misusing God's house - He was ANGRY! Passion will ignite, excite, frustrate, empower, and have an affect on how you feel towards things. As imperfect humans we don't know how to deal with everything we are hardwired with(like anger), but that doesn't mean we write it off and never deal with it -- that's when bitterness can harbor. We have to imitate Jesus and learn to react in love, even with anger etching the surface.
    That being said, I think Lisa Bevere is an amazing woman of God and was led 110% by the Holy Spirit while writing this book. Glory to God that it is stirring questions in peoples spirits.

    1. Hahaha - just had to laugh about the grammar!!!!

      Interesting comments. Let The Holy Spirit give you wisdom and discernment.

      God bless All. Love God and one another.

    2. Another version of Eph 4:26 "Be angry but do not sin". Righteous anger is ok. Are we not supposed to be angry with people who are enslaving girls in sex trafficking or angry when some hurts us? We just can't have outbursts of wrath which leads to death. We are not supposed to repay evil for evil because The Lord says vengeance is mine and I will repay. But when something wrong is done to you you can righteously be angry that it happened. But how you handle yourself is important. I believe that is what Lisa is saying. She by all means would never agree with unrighteous anger or holding an offense. Also, has anyone read the Book the Bait of Satan by John Bevere. He shows with the word of God how offense (unforgiveness, unrighteous anger) towards someone WILL get you into Hell. Unforgiveness is like murder and murderes cannot enter the kingdom of God. I believe anyone offended or unforgiving would profit much from the Bait of Satan because the word of God in it pierces and penetrates ones bones and heart and transforms lives! I am proof of this. I feel led by the Holy Spirit to tell you all this. It is our job as Christians to warn one another as the Apostle Paul said. I wish that all of you would recognize the Holy Spirit guiding John and Lisa's lives and realize that they are anointed by God to reveal the truth of the Gospel. Remember the devil perverts what he is not strong enough to destroy and I believe this site is perverting the eternally life changing teachings of John and Lisa because their teachings impact people's lives eternally for the Kingdom of God. God bless and let the Holy Spirit lead you in life.

    3. Wow. I'm dismayed that the author of this blog has discounted everything in this book, along with the author, using only a few examples of her teaching on anger. That is really throwing "the baby out with the bath water." Apparently, this author does not believe that the Holy Spirit will guide people. Also, people do get angry, all the time, and Christians get angry, and I think the important point is what to do with the anger, not whether it's a sin or not.

    4. It is so interesting how every person preaching the Gospel gets to be accused to be 'fals" good heavens, one of these days we won't be able to read anything BUT the bible - no one of these peoples are perfect - let us all concentrate on our own weaknesses - take what is positive about books and teachings and throw away the negatives - live and let live

    5. Your reply demonstrates that you are yourself in serious danger of error. REMEMBER to go to the WORD! Not "The Message" or its' ilk.

    6. This blogger needs to read Bait of Satan to understand how wrongheaded and destructive her attitude toward the Bevere's is. She is being used by satan and needs to REPENT

  12. I've heard Lisa speak. No she is not perfect, she is human. But a false teacher, and a cult? Really?
    She is a Godly woman, and a great teacher, and an inspiration. However, what you have said is merely an opinion, and at times, they shouldn't matter.

  13. Matt. 5:22 in the King James Version says He who is angry with his brother WITHOUT A CAUSE*** I just want to point that out. I have no problem with you writing about false teaching, but the Bible doesn't say it is a sin to have normal anger. David, Moses, and Jesus all got angry. It is how we deal with our anger that is the problem

  14. Everyone gets angry we are not zombies or robots. God created us with emotions from all ranges. We are not perfected yet or like Jesus until we see him face to face. So until that time lets learn to deal with that anger. I have teenagers, I am a very nice and sweet person until I get walked on and even bullied from them. Its when this thing called anger rises up and clean some house do they start standing up straight with a yes mam in there tone. I get angry a lot at many injustices. It is the barometer on that anger that rises me up to take action. We are all different and handle anger the way we know how. I agree with Lisa, she has been honest and open and its unfortunate she is getting criticized for it.

  15. Have you not read Psalm 4:4? It's in this great BOOK that is called the Holy Bible. Please try to read it the Bible before you judge it and before judge others. It is clear you need to talk to God and need take a look at yourself, if this subject angers you then there might be something on the inside of you God is trying to work out. Just sayin...

  16. You are in great error. The Beveres are anointed by God. They attend my church in Colorado Springs and are both Holy Spirit led, filled and empowered. Relentless by John Bevere is inspired. Not sure what you are reading or your background/agenda ... this is not prosperity preaching whatsoever nor do I follow the Cope lands of the community. You are misleading people.

    1. Nobody is "annointed"

    2. Exactly, that thought is what would almost in every case, starts a cult .

  17. I don't see any proof or reason to say they are false teachers, I have found their teachings to be very helpful and anointed. Praise God for people who are real and honest about their struggles

  18. Your contridicting yourself, you say that anger is a sin, were you not angry when you wrote this blog? Or when you were reading the book? Sounded like you were. How do you know that Lisa's anger is not justified? There might've been a deeper reason why she got angry at her husband. One time she got angry at him because he and one of their sons yelled at each other. Don't you have ups and downs within your marriage? She was still mad at him even after he apologized to his son for yelling at him. Look it like this, if someone offended you, you can forgive them, if someone offended your child, girl she better run. Even God and Christ said the same. Whoever says anything against Christ will be forgiven. But he who says anything against the Holy Spirit (a person in ghost form sent to us by Christ when he promised he will send someONE when he leaves to remind us and help us) will never be forgiven. Do you even know what the Beveres did to get their books out to those who couldnt afford it? They paid publishers to sell their books so that even tge poor could afford it. Why? Because they were called to share their gift that God gave them. Teaching. Your contridicting youeself quite alot in this blog. God understands that humans cannnot be perfect. We will always fall short of His glory. So he understands that we can get angry just like He does (we are made in the image of God). Your twisting the verse Mt 5:22 just so you can justify YOURSELF to bash someone. God didn't tell you to come and write this. YOUR anger did because you didn't like the book. From the very first chapter, you read the whole thing biased. And the bad apple stood out. Lisa is not perfect, but neither are any of us. But she is doing what God gift for her was meant for. Instead of bashing someone's imperfection, go and try to make yourrself perfect. I bet everyone has felt angry enough to throw a china at someone else. But she admitted she was wrong doing that.

  19. I have just listened to a sermon from Mrs. Bevere about her anger issues & I can honestly say that it was used of God to confirm to me what The Holy Spirit has been teaching me about my own anger & rage. It was entirely unexpected but as I listened, it was if she were telling my story. I was moved to tears & was sobbing at my desk. I thanked God that he found a way to show me an accurate image of myself & that He wants to set me free from anger & bitterness. I also want to point out to you something I never would have admitted when I was a young twenty or thirty something Christian & it is that we DO learn more wisdom the longer we live & the more we are taught by The Holy Spirit. Sin is sin but God uses our own heart & judgments to judge us with. He is patient & he is fair. ALWAYS!!!! He takes us deeper a step at a time, not all at once. So I feel your review was not exactly fair. The longer we live the more insight we will have because the Word of God helps us use our life experiences as a filter instead of an opinion. I glean from your writing that you are a bible scholar & zealous over Christ and His word and I think that's wonderful, but take it easy & remember that the Spirit of God gives life & insight to the Word of God but sometimes out of our zeal we humans use in such a way that can really harm one another. God Bless.

  20. She is a woman of God.

  21. Hi Jackie,
    Do not be surprised when the persecute you for standing for truth, you are in good company, So many do not want to hear truth, they are people followers, be reminded narrow is the gate

    1. No Nancy no one is judging Jackie - interesting! Most people just show Jackie on her mistakes in the quotes from the Bible. So her arguments do not convince because of that.
      Do not boast - this is also a sin!

  22. Malissa Dawn said...
    No one is perfect....I chose to quit reading the post on Lisa Bevere because I believe God loves her and will correct her Himself if she is going against His Will. This bashing is truly sad.....my heart aches for believers now a days.....
    For Satan knows all of us too well unfortunately. He can make someone believe they are doing the right thing when in reality they may not.
    I myself do like Lisa Bevere and her husband John. They are real people! Lets not hide behind closed doors for fear of someone discecting all that we do. Reach out to others with the love of Christ.....ARE YOU?

    1. May I ask an honest question....why are so many people posting as anonymous. It's very curious to me.

    2. Melissa - this is because we do not have Google accounts.

    3. Amen!! Salvation is a sanctifying grace...and God is long suffering with all of us. God leads us...and we can become a stumbling block when we tear down. God's Word tells us to go to someone in "private." This is not the way to express "your" concerns.

  23. Like the fanatics of the Osteenist Cult (Joel Osteen), the Bevere's advocates try to look impartial but are raging fanatics that blindly worship their leaders, not our Lord Jesus. It always calls my attention that the tactics of falsely Christian heretics and cults are the VERY SAME that extreme liberals and anti-Christian groups use. The same Demon is behind them. Both use intelligent sounding arguments and the very Word of God to deny you any right to free speech, any right to look at reality as it is, any right to denounce, like Jesus, the false prophets that He himself so harshly denounced. Then they use sentimentalism and guilt trips to make you feel stupid, a hate monger, intolerant, non-inclusive and a fearful CorruptionPhobic. A true Christian is not manipulated by these scare tactics. Silence before error and evil is a despicable sin. Love comes from Truth and not the other way around, like Satan and his deceived helpers are preaching everywhere these days

    1. i agree. we need to pray for discernment. As christians, it is our responsibility to TEST and EXAMINE the spirit.

  24. I heard Lisa try to teach on Heb. 11:1, what a disaster. The word ( substance) she totally defined incorrectly according to proper huermanutics. She used a secular definition which was way off base but for her THEOLOGY it fit perfectly.

  25. So grateful to read other people's outrage at these accusations against Lisa, and her husband John. God has used both of these wonderful teachers at different times in my life, to impart spiritual seeds that I've developed within God. I am blessed by both of them and am sad to read this 'review'

  26. As Jesus said, "Let him who is without sin throw the first stone!" This is the first review I have ever read by a non-sinner...Wow!

  27. Lisa Bevere has ministered so much into my life, my marriage and career. She is a well anointed women who has shown lot of fruits. Not only in the ministry but in her personal life. No doubts she is within her call. How about you? What are you doing to impact the life your brother and sister? Because this is not helpful at all. Instead of reading books to write blogs, why don't you help the homeless. or give out to the community.or maybe write this that will help other: ex. health: body of the temple, Finance: Being a good steward, Career: Being the light. Holiness, Compassion, and on, Just some ideas for when you are bored and don't find anything to write about I will be praying for you. The success of other bother you because of a jealous heart and you disappointments. Dont worry is never too late God has a plan for you too.

  28. Hi, I don't know these so called " ministers" but as soon I learned they preach the prosperity gospel, I made up my mind. I also learned about them through a "Christian Church" that hosts prosperity teachers, and some others that thanks God have been discovered as heretics.
    God uses who and what he wants, to teach us and minister us, remember the Balaam's donkey? Therefore, to those who have been benefited from the reading, be thankful to God, He used the person and/or the book. Remember also that the demons know the word of God and tremble...(it is written in your Bibles)
    The time of darkness has passed, God is opening the spiritual eyes of every one who truly seeks Him. If you want to be ministered; seek God read the Bible and ask the Holy Spirit for understanding.
    By the way have any of you heard of Tony Robins? he has helped me a lot too. However he is, I believe a new age practitioner, should I defend him? he talks a lot about prosperity and emotional regulation. Shall I fight on his side and be his follower too...? he has helped millions of people too.... I am amazed about the naïve arguments that some people make instead praying and seeking the truth from God through his word.
    To the blogger, thanks for helping me to think, although I don't agree completely with some of your statements about anger. But have peace and keep vigilant and in prayer.

  29. Hi all,
    I am an ex-Buddhist from Cambodia. Can anyone show me where in the HOLY BIBLE did GOD tell us "Be Angry But Don't Blow It!"?

    If GOD did not encourage us to be angry but don't blow it, then those pastors blaspheme GOD.

    Why too many Christians, Pastors, Priests and Nuns were seen in Hell, and Christians, Pastors, Priests and Nuns were seen in heaven by many people who went through NDE? What did they do when alive?

    Satan: Demons, Evils,.. all believe in Jesus Christ, the Living GOD. The world has Satan's Churches, too. Just because we see Churches then we assumed Oh those preachers were anointed by GOD. We must take responsible of our own path.
    If the preachers teach away from the Words of GOD, they cannot be anointed by GOD.

    The HOLY BIBLE is the Words of GOD.

    1 John 4:1
    Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.

    Matthew 7:15
    “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.


    1. Here's the verse I think your looking for.

      Ephesians 4:26 "Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger"

      You mentioned your an ex buddhist? Praise God that's awesome. How recent was it?

    2. and beloved the fact that they are in hell means that they were'nt christians, they just thought they were. Attacking people who believe to be doing God's work rather they are doing it or not, is not our place all we have to show is love. God say love your neighbour as thy self. And this monir ridiculouse things are the ones that lead us to hell. And the writter is talking about anger forgetting that what he's declaring is hate for this people because if he really loved them and cared for them dearly, he could've sent them a mail or go knock at their door so they reason together. 10 times or most probably more than that the Bible tells us to love our neighbor as our selves and twice is declared that this is one command that outweigh the rest of our wrong doings. Matthews 19:19; 5:43; 22:39; Galatians 5:14, Mark 12:31, Romans 13:7-9, James 2:8, Luke 10:27; 6:27.

      All that matter is love and God Knows it that's why he mentioned it a lot of times because we forget. This whole scenario is how anger happens and starts of. ONe will never write something unless he wants people to agree with him and when they don't you might or might not hate this people. Judging people is not part of our portion, that's God's our portion is to love one another and let God do his work.

      Good Day wonderful People.

  30. Ephesians 4:26 "Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger"

  31. I haven't yet read the book, but when I do, I hope I won't get hung up on tidbits of anger, as you did. Obviously, you had hangups with the Bevere's and this book before you even started reading it. (Or started reading the short PART of it that you did.) You can't write a good book review on reading a short portion of a book.

  32. Dear Jackie Kaulitz, the people you are trying to help by the most part are charismatics that had come under the umbrella of the Pentecostals movement. I know I was a Pentecostal. Jackie, you need to understand that most of these individuals do not have discernment. They are naïve for the most part. These is what Jesus says. Matthew 7:15 15 Beware of false prophets, who come to you dressed as sheep, but inside they are devouring wolves.
    2 Corinthians 11:13Expanded Bible (EXB)
    13 Such men are ·not true apostles [false apostles; pseudo-apostles] but are ·workers who lie [deceitful workers]. ·They change themselves to look like […disguising themselves as; …masquerading as] apostles of Christ. In order to look like a sheep you have to lead the audience into thinking you are the real deal. Recommend highly to search the author of the books you read. there are Christians out there looking out for you. Galatians 6:6-8 and
    1 John 4 King James Version (KJV)
    Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

  33. Dear Jackie Kaulitz keep up the good fight. That the truth of the Word of God will help these poor souls understand. I prey that the eyes of the heart will be open. I was there too. And Jesus' Spirit
    got me of the ignorance I lived in.

  34. The bevere's are the worst form of gnostic, false teachers there are they infect the church with hereticism. Those of you that say how would God feel, probably the same way this blogger feels and myself. If you read your bible true Christians are supposed to confront even chastise false teachers and their teachings. We are called to call out and confront false teachers the bible even uses the word harshly. Study the word and know the truth, these two are far from it.

  35. Mature Christians do not defend false teachers and heretics. They are to mark and avoid false teachers (Rom. 16:17). They are to reject heretics (Titus 1: 13), those who lay error alongside truth by secretly introducing destructive heresies (2 Pet. 2:1). Christians are to be light and salt by telling the truth, thus we are to point out who heretics are by name so that people will not listen to them just as the prophets and Apostles did (Lev. 10:1-2; Num. 16; 1 Kings 22:11, 24-25; Jer. 28:15-17, 29:31-32; Eze. 8:8-11, 11:1-13; Matt. 23; 1 Tim. 1:19-20; 2 Tim. 4:14; Gal. 2:11-13; 3 John 9-10; Rev. 2:20, etc.). Christians are told by the Holy Spirit in the Bible, through John, that if we love the Lord we will demonstrate that by obeying His commands (1 John 3:24; 5:3; John 15:10, etc.). One of the often repeated commands of the Lord is to get away from false teachers and false prophets (1Co 5:11-13; 1 John 4:1, Rev. 18:4; Rom. 16:17; Titus 1: 13; Eph. 5:11; 2 Thes. 3:6; 2 Tim. 3:5,7; 2 John 10, 11; Titus 3:10; 2 Cor. 6:17, etc.). Be a berean (Acts 17:11) to learn why we must stand for the Truth against blasphemy and heresy today. Please have your Bible handy to look up all the references given. This is a follow up from the post above

    1. Mature Christian are supposed to know that the battle we face is not of flesh and blood or declare who is false or not. That doesn't benefit anyone...

  36. their teaching is IQ5A, you will love what they say in their books if you have iching ears, funny how the Bevers have to write more and more books that keep you wanting the next one as they explain there interpration of scripture to you, I think we can run ahead of the Holy Spirit (our TEACHER) and learn things we arnt ready for. the ten virgins in Matthew 25:9 the foolish ones were told to go BUY FROM THOSE WHO SELL, ie: books, anointings, dvds,money,money,money,thats where they got their knowledge from, the problem with deception is that you dont know your in it. the Holy Spirit is the ONLY teacher we are promised, to read all these books.... and place so much covetousness on people is alarming.

  37. IQ5A= rat poison, alot of their teaching might be ok but, 99% ok 1% poison, a little leaven....

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. I have questions for all of the above people who are calling the Bevere's false prophets. Would you hold to your opinion if they didn't make money from what they do? Is that what offends you?
    Also, many people quoted the verse about "itching ears" alluding the fact that the Bevere's teaching is always nice, fluffy, and makes people feel good. However, the opposite has always been my experience. They are willing to challenge Christians and their motives. Maybe we need to do the same.
    Lastly, when your writing has spelling and grammar errors, your credibility is lost.

  39. Dear Mike, your heart is in the wrong place. Its about your remarks.
    Lastly, when your writing has spelling and grammar errors, your credibility is lost.
    Mike I ask, was that necessary? It sounds like you are picking a fight. Not very Christ like man.
    How long have you been in the Lord? Its time you go back to your first LOVE. Sorry I had to rebuke You. Some times we lose track of who we are in Christ.

  40. JC wrote the March 2, 2015 remarks. @5:39 AM.

  41. Won't be participating in any of their studies! We aren't called to judge but we are called to hold each other accountable to His word. Her teaching is not in pin with scripture an anyone that treats her words as scripture need to examine their own walk with God.

  42. John Bevere DECEIVES people , pulling them to law and emotions. God uses even nature ,donkey in order to speak to his children. I am 46 old, married 25 years, 4 children .I do not know English well. God bless you :)

  43. Damn if you don't damn if you do but Lisa Bevere wins because while we are busy commenting here she is also busy following Jesus. In short only those who don't have an original idea of what to do in life will be busy minding other people's lives. Also, only those who don't believe the Lordship of Jesus are the real CULT..knock know

    1. Yes, yes and Amen! You have put it in a nutshell! The Church in general is in trouble because we spend so much time and energy finding fault and lose potential believers in the process. Lisa Bevere spoke at our women's conference this week and then, today in our Sunday services. This wonderful Godly women speaks so much wisdom it is astonishing! Bring it on Lisa! You have set so many free this week with your words- straight form Heaven!! Jenny A

  44. My name is Julia Addington. I live in New Zealand. I attended a new church recently called Arise. The speaker for next week is Lisa Bevere. I have not heard of her before, so looked it up on line. I had heard a "rumour" that Arise Church follows the prosperity doctrine. They assured me they don't. But I am disturbed to read comments on the internet that she and her husband follow this doctrine. I stumbled on this blog by Jackie Kaulitz. Who to believe?? Apart from the topic of the blog, I find it amazing that Christians making comments are at least 90% anonymous. People can say anything they like when not prepared to add their name to comments. If you want to be taken seriously, put your name along with your comments. I have.

    1. My advice is to read one or two of their books, it's gonna help you know who is where. It helped me

    2. I have started to read John's book. Chapter 1 was ok. But when I got to Ch 2, many of the verses noted were taken out of context and did not mean what he said they meant. Also at one point he said a verse said one thing and then used personal example to say it meant another. This is wrong on so many levels.

  45. Dear Julia Addington:
    The reason why many on the blog write anonymous it's because the way you sign in is confusing
    and we want to leave a comment. It looks like you have no choice.. I did find the correct way now.
    I sign has JC I hope this will help. No harm intended.

  46. I think Jackie has a point.
    If what the author contrasted here were based on the text of the book (which I haven't read) I would agree with his argument. However, don't agree calling Lisa a false teacher as the blog title suggests.

    You see, ALL of us are prone to errors, our Pastors included. That's why we just don't feed on them but we also need to feed from the BIBLE itself so that we are not misguided, and we can discern erroneous teaching. People may say "this is the way" while others, "that is the right direction." But if you don't have your own map, how can you verify their claims?

    If you think the Pastor is incorrect, take it up to him/her directly, not with pride but in love, so that both of you are clarified.

    Do it everything in love to build others up. In the end, whatever they say or preach, they are unanswerable to God.

    I am not a basher of the Beveres, in fact I listen to some of their podcast. I like John Bevere's preaching about Godly fear (or the fear of the Lord) and God's grace as His empowerment in our life. That changed my whole perspective of being a christian.

    God bless Jackie and each and everyone here.

  47. I encourage everyone to test everything you hear. Test it out with the word of God. Take it to the Word and see what the Word has to say. If it's in like with the Word of God then great! If not, don't listen. Don't accept the advice. We need to make sure we back up our teachings with the scriptures. Blessings to you all!

  48. So how do you interpret Efesians 4:26 -"Be ye angry, Be angry, (Todays English Version ) says, If you become angry, and sin not, do not let your anger lead you into sin, let not the sun go down upon your wrath; and do not stay angry all day...

    This are different versions of the bible, I think that is clear that we are to be anger but not sin....

    Now with this said, let me ask you, have you ever been so angry, as a matter a fact lets not use the work angry, lets say, so mad at someone that you could not talk, look, or say anything to them?

    If nothing makes you mad or angry then you are a special and unique person, wow, no one have ever said a word or did something that hurt you so much or that was unfair.

    Even Moses got angry but the anger he felt was not what kept him out of the promised land it was the sin of disobedience to God, because God told him to speak to the rock and he was so mad he chose to strike it, God does not mention his anger but the fact that he chose not to acknowledge the Lord's Power before the people of Israel, in other words his disobedience. God understand our human emotions, please, give me a break, I already feel that I am not worthy of the Lord because I could never be perfect, but thank God for the blood blood of His son Jesus that cleanses me everyday of sin as I come in humility to the Lord and admit that I cannot do it without Him and recognize that He is my righteousness, and that my own righteousness is like filthy rags... Sin starts at the heart and its usually the pride that make us think that we have never been angry.... If you are honest with yourself and ask God to show you your own heart, you will be surprise at whats in it, for we all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God...

  49. Thank you. For your review.I am never read reviews but like you said sin is a sin thank you for your honesty and I am always praying for sound doctrine.I have not read Lisa book but I heard her on one program.I used to have anger issues and no self control and I stopped when I experience a black out,and when I reacted was on top of a person hitting her yeah! she who I have been the object of my hate I was scared and I was afraid to had done something that I was going to regret for the rest of my life.The worse part I couldn't remember still don't remember how I ended up on the floor or when did I jumped on her so I make up my mind to I stopped letting my emotions to get the best of me.But I can believed how patiently the Lord was warning me and showing me my wrong behavior.Gladly He touched my heart many years later to Repent.Thank you for advice to read carefully anything that have to do with the Lord's teaching.

  50. I was hoping to ready something a little more objective in the criticism through love realm. Clearly, this is not the place.
    And so many "anonymous" comments make it all the more suspicious.

  51. I was hoping to ready something a little more objective in the criticism through love realm. Clearly, this is not the place.
    And so many "anonymous" comments make it all the more suspicious.

  52. You are RIGHT! The church I used to go to had the women reading The Lioness Arising. I loved it and was like I am fearfully and wonderfully made!!! I was totally like men can't say anything to me because I press in and I study the Word, I live the Christian Life not just talk a good talk. That book sent me down a rebellious road and I am SERIOUS. The church has a Female Pastor, not the Senior Pastor but she is over the women's ministry and her husband over the men's. We never actually studied the bible only books like this one. She was not LOVE at all she has something going on in the spirit and it wan't God. She basicly used some things I sought advice from her to get me out of the church. She does this over and over again to the younger women and it is sad.

    Anyway I was hurt and I saught God so hard after the rejection of the church and HE made it so clear: HE took me to the first oracle of Balaam. Numbers 23, I've read it several times and I was wondering why it stood out so much...Lisa Bevere!!! Her book states that God sent her a vision leading her to Numbers 23 and I being a intellect type went a search for God and the truth. I want to please God even if that goes against my dreams of being a Biblical teacher like Lisa and Joyce. I didn't even have to leave chapter one to find distortion of the Word but man when I hit chaper 6 on SUBMISSION it was the biggest lie I had ever seen. It's Baal, Jezebel and it's not of God.

    1. Don't give up your dream! You can become a Bible teacher (like Nancy Leigh DeMoss, for example) and teach women and children. God bless you! Natalie

  53. I consider myself to be very careful in who I listen to and follow. This article is extremely judgmental especially when it comes to false teachers, etc. but I do not see the Love of God in the way this is being presented to the public. Why bash another individual? Instead of doing this why don't you go into your prayer closet and pray about it privately. It would even be better to lovingly write Lisa a letter if you have an issue with her instead of stomping on her publicly. I know very little about you or the Bevers but I do know what Christ says in the Word...that we are to handle such matters privately. How do you expect non-believers to come to Christ when all they see is Christians tearing each other apart? The Bible says they will know us by the Love we have for one another. This is far from loving. I just don't agree that this is appropriate for the internet...

  54. May God keep blessing the Bevere household because I have been able to finally read books from people who have struggled with the exact issues I have. They have helped me get a hold of the FORGIVING, MERCIFUL TRUE ALIVE GOD that we all pray to. Religious nuts in church that think they know better than people who acknowledge we are all sinful people, really need an awakening. From God. I pray that you get shown the light. No one is perfect but we are to strive for the likeness of God. Don't you get it ? That's the beauty of Gods grace and mercy! That as imperfect as we are He still uses us to guide others to Him. He still loves us. If the Beveres where false I don't think they would be bringing so many lives to the feet of Christ. EVEN IF these false claims were true, they are still bringing lives to the feet of Christ, isn't that all that matters? This sounds like a religious rant about perfection. The bible does not correlate with that. The bible speaks of love and God as the only judge.

  55. Lisa Bevere is a strong woman of God. Lioness of God. A child of the Most High God. Precious in His sight!!

    Satan will always try to destroy God's children with foolish words, from foolish men and women. This is a foolish blog that just needs to be removed....period. In Jesus name! =)

  56. for if this plan or action is of men, it will be overthrown; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them; or else you may even be found fighting against God." Acts 5:38b, 39 (NASB). But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good; abstain from every form of evil. 1Thess 5:21,22 (NASB) "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. "Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' "And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.' Matthew 7 (NASB)

  57. Wow, I rarely comment online, but my word, I can barely see straight from the heartless self-righteousness from this blog and it's followers. I can't imagine anyone could be approved by her/them. So thankful that it doesn't matter though. Christ alone is our righteousness. Whew!

  58. Is Jackie a Christian ? If so everyone is basing her. Just sayin ? But with that's said I like Johns ministry don't know much about Lisa's but if they are helping people to Christ who is anyone to say anything about what they do but God

    1. yes definitely Jackie is a christian,she is not easly deceived by power of tongues by the BEVERES.This couple is DANGEROUS both to your spirituality and your money

  59. It's amazing how people who worship the prosperity Gospel or other false teachings of the Beveres have poured in here like a flood to drown and devour one lowly Christian woman who dares to question their beloved prophetess Lisa. Keep giving money to the Beveres brothers and sisters. Just don't be surprised when they are "last" in heaven. They are at the top here, selling any false teaching or lie for the mighty dollar that has made them rich. They might be saved and rich here on earth, but they won't be both in heaven. Matthew 20:16

  60. The BEVERES are raking millions of money from conferences charging $50-100 just like all other prosperity gospel false teachers!!!BEWARE!

  61. I'm going to leave it to God to deal with you Jackie. You have a slanderous heart. You need to deal with that.

  62. After reading Girls with Swords I'm glad that I'm not the only person who feels like this misguided woman is having an impact on young women. While YES I love the underlying theme of the book I read, and YES I do believe more women need to be on the battlefield fighting the spiritual warfare, I don't believe (as is written in the description of the author on the back of the book) that this is done behind a mocha in the comfort of your home or on a podium after flying first class, do you?

    All I have to say is, your ministry will speak for itself when it's Christ-Centered

  63. I want to make one thing clear here. All things (writings of Spiritual Giants even) other than the Scripture are fallible. It doesn't mean we shouldn't read other spiritual books other than Bible. God has given us the right to interpret the words of Speakers. I am sorry that most of the people don't get what the blogger is trying to say here. If you all claim that the blogger is taking a piece of Lisa's book and using it for her own, it is the same most of you all are doing right now. Saying that believers should not bring each other down while using words like 'This blogger is spiritually blind' is such an irony. The way this blogger has put her words may be a little harsh. But I accept to what she is saying on anger. I would ask people who use the arguement "Joy is also an emotion, is it sinful to be joyous?" to read bible even more. Joy is a fruit of the Spirit. Not everyone can be joyous all the time. It is like the peace that only God can give. But anger is a decision, an emotion. There is no evidence in the Bible that anger and joy fall under the same category, Emotions. Don't mix what the world thinks about Emotions and what the Bible says about emotions. Anger is a tricky thing and hence the Bible asks us not to sin even if we anger. And this anger is about bringing glory to God, like Jesus angered. The part about Lisa getting angry doesn't seem like it is Godly anger. And that is why Jesus has said us that if we get angry on our brother (or sister) we have committed murder in our hearts. If our anger is based on our motives, it is absolutely a sin. I have a great respect to all ministers of God but that shouldn't make me someone who believes in whatever they say without interpreting it in the spirit. Bible over ministers always!

  64. Hi, thanks for your commitment to reading such a book for our sakes. I have a friend who talks about not letting the sun go down on our anger. You have given me some good tools to help her in her journey. I just wanted to say, though, that perhaps you wrote this late at night? You just need to take more care with typos. I know how my fingers can slip all too easily. But the typos detract from your good work, which is sad. Nevertheless, keep up the good work, and may the Lord bless you.

  65. Reading these comments it's no wonder the world has such disdain for Christians. I am a Christian and as I read the angry, attacking, judgmental comments on both sides I am disappointed. If you disagree with the Bevere's pray for them, if you disagree with Jackie pray for her. The only teachings we should be trusting come from the word of God. When we put our faith and trust in man there will always be errors. Check your doctrine.. and double check it... No matter who you are bashing others doesn't esteem you better than they are... I have listened to the Bevere's - do I like Lisa yes... do I hold her teaching or anyone's for that matter higher than the word of God - No. That would be idolatry. We are all part of the body of Christ doctrinal differences aside... let's be joined in that we know who HE is, he paid a price for us by his blood and made a great sacrifice. and worship HIM without being divided by petty blogs and righteous opinions

    1. I agree, very well said.

    2. Well said! Let the Holy Spirit reveal what is False.

  66. Can someone tell me where the Word says that Godly righteous anger is acceptable?

  67. My name is Olufumilayo Chukwu. I have not read the book.However those of us who appreciate the ministry of the Beveres should be quite happy they are being bashed. It proves they are not false prophets' Woe unto you when all men speak well of you for so did their fathers unto the false prophets'Luke 6:26
    However Christians leaders should have a good testimony even with unbelievers 1st Timothy 3:7. So the fact of the matter is this. Let the bashers continue bashing.Let the pure remain pure.Let those of integrity continue to show it in their character. And if you don't like what Jackie says let her alone. We all shall stand before God on Judgement day for the deeds done in the body. We shall also answer for our words. Know we are all a work in progress and he who bashes today may sound the trumpet tomorrow.
    Its not over till its over ( Oh by the way read the Final Quest -you will understand whats happening here- Unless Rick Joyner is also a false prophet)
    Adieu all

  68. Lisa Bevere is an example of a woman with deep seated, clinically ill anger problems; a misogynist who, somehow, sadly, has been afforded access to large female audiences, and uses her privilege as a venue to denigrate not only her husband, but men in general, and concomitantly widen the divide between the already struggling men and women in Christian marriages.
    Husbands who arrogantly dominate their wives under the guise of biblically given family leadership have been frequently and thankfully exposed in the media for the misled cads they are.
    Not so for the less common, but just as offensive female equivalent dictatorial,snarky and pejorative wives out there.
    Lisa Bevere is their icon; their poster child.
    This is a sick, anger-possessed human being, doing a disservice not only to Hillsong women and men, but to the Church in general.
    Certainly a fair share of her misguided message must be attributed to her weak, sycophantic, milquetoast husband, John. ("Yes, Dear....")
    Even a large, usually helpful, positive and biblically accurate ministry like Hillsong can sometimes make mistakes in scheduling. But angry, divisive speakers like this bitter, certainly unhappy, angry woman do nothing but darken the already dimming pitfall-filled landscape of Christian marriages.
    Perhaps realistically, most of the blame goes to the sycophantic milquetoast husbands..... like John.
    Better luck next seminar. This one, from a Biblical, encouraging perspective, was a disaster.
    Joseph Kent

  69. oh my Gosh, so over the establishment nut job pharisees..YOUR TOO RELIGIOUS, BORING AND ANNOYING!!! you haters do not represent the GOD heart..... GO LISA!!!!

  70. WOW I see a lot of hypocrisy on these responses calling people blind, telling people to get a life etc. How about showing love like your bible tells you to instead of childishly insulting others why do grown adults especially grown christian adults act this way???

    Calling the guy a names and everything CRAZY! so the opposite of the way jesus treated people I thought you were following his example? The word cuts like a knife it is truth and hearing the truth will ruffle feathers I like your post I think we have a responsibility as a church to question teachers that are over seeing souls that is a big deal the bible clearly mentions false teachers.

    We must not get lazy or defensive against the truth of Gods word its those who are open to asking questions and making sure what teachers teach is IN LINE WITH WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS God is the ultimate authority not Lisa bevere even if she is teaching correctly who are you to dictate to someonethat theycannot question a teachers methjods the bible instructs us to do that all of the negative comentors go and read about the BEAREANS and stop picking on the author of this post when you can clearly see he has good intentions.

    If you dont like this article or my comment DONT READ IT THEN SIMPLE,AND DONT COMMENT.

    All said with good intentions although I'm sure the verbal stones will come,God bless you all.

  71. Ephesians 4: 26-27 and 31-32, I think all of us (including me) could do with meditating on this.

    James 1;20 Kat, there you go,hope this helps :-) .

    Further examples of righteous anger its every where it is displayed by the example we are SUPPOSE to be following JESUS :

    God was angry at the unbelief of Moses which caused Moses to resist obeying the command of God to go to Egypt and confront pharaoh insisting that he let Gods people go. this is A VERY CLEAR EXAMPLE OF RIGHTEOUS ANGER.

    ANOTHER ONE : God is angered by mistreatment of those who are helpless, the strangers, the widows, the orphans Exodus 22:21-24

    God was angered by men trusting and worshiping idols (anything can be an idol in our lives including a person) Exodus 32:10 ; Deuteronomy 6:14-15; Judges 2:13-14 and Ezra 8:22.

    There are clear bibical examples Katy and anyone else that may need to see some, also we must remember the bible states Gods anger is only for a moment.

  72. This woman is inspired by a spirit alright, but it's NOT the Spirit of God. Word of Faith female preachers are nothing more than New Age Witches in my estimation. Natalie Grant had the audacity to recommend Lisa Bevere's book on the spirit of competition after someone posted on Twitter about the beauty of interracial love. I guess she took issue with someone promoting something other than same color love. I found that odd considering the boasting she does about her books "City Girls" that revolve around she and her daughters. She also celebrates Halloween in a manner that seems very pagan in my estimation. Instead of directing people to this New Age Feminist occultist books, how about directing them to scripture on the subject and not correct someone fro promoting interracial love?

    Not to mention women ARE NOT called to preach. Paul makes that pretty clear in I Timothy, yet Word of Faith is LITTERED with female preachers, teachers and evangelists. I've witnessed them butcher that scripture first hand on so many occasions claiming "that's not what Paul was saying. Women ARE called to preach!" In which parallel universe does God make mistakes when leading his real Prophets?

    Natalie, Lisa and all the other WOF cult leaders only interest is in celebrity. Yet in the bible days you NEVER hear about Paul's books being best-sellers or David's gospel album's going platinum, being nominated for music awards and him being allowed to perform at Carnegie Hall. And I can assure you it's not just because of the times. God's word applies to the times we live in NOW and never gets old or changes.

    And you have to question why Natalie WOULDN'T share the ACTUAL reason she left the Grammy's early? Didn't God say yo provide things HONEST in the site of all men? He didn't tell us to deceive people and cover up evil and evil plots. Maybe they started out sincere but they're a long way from it now and I no longer trust ANYONE from the WOF/TBN circle.

  73. Wow. Thank you brethren. Praise God! We need to understand that living is not all about ourselves. We live because of God. We need to stop justifying our wrongs. Just because our parent loves us and has granted us grace doesn't mean we can now sin. Grace is when he sees your uncleanliness and still says to you "I got you". We have no excuse to sin brethren. *NO MORE EXCUSES*

    The day Zacchaeus climbed the tree, short people lost their right to use *HEIGHT* as an excuse. 

    The day David killed Goliath, young people lost their right to use *AGE* as an excuse.

    The day Joseph became Prime Minister, foreigners lost their right to use *STATUS* as an excuse.

    The day the woman with the issue of blood used her last strength to touch the hem of Jesus' garment, weak people lost their right to use *WEAKNESS* as an excuse. 

    The day the widow dropped her offering, poor people lost their right to use *POVERTY* as an excuse.

    The day Daniel met the lions, fearful people lost their right to use *DEATH* as an excuse.

    The day grace came through Christ, the *"LOST"* lost their right to use *SIN* as their excuse.


  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. Clearly this author has something against the Beveres.

  76. If you have an issue or think someone is a false teacher, why not show them the way rather than making a mean blog post about them. I don't know anywhere in the Bible where Jesus displaced such behavior. I hope you come around and see that GOD IS LOVE. and What you have posted, it should go down, because it ruins your ministry. Be blessed

  77. I disagree that this author has something against the Beveres. I admire the author for leaving all the comments for a "balanced" view. I agree that Lisa Bevere is not perfect but this blog post is quite valid for someone in search of the absolute truth, which is without spiritual error,... so possibly her book/chapter requires editing. I have a couple of her books,.. and I wouldn't say they've encouraged me to ground myself in the Bible, nor after the highs of the worship or her speaking. But I can't say that Lisa Bevere isn't faithfully applying what she knows of the Bible because only God knows.

    It's really fine,.. because we all do, by the Spirit, are required to edit ourselves. And I disagree with the other commenters calling this post "mean".

  78. To this Author, You need to grow spiritually. Have you never experienced God being angry with you? Evidently not...I have. Yes even God gets angry.It's not pleasant to experience either. Consider removing your post...as you could be a stumbling block to a young one trying to learn. smh.

  79. I have a few spare plates left. Although i have ( unlike lisa ) decapitated my husband. WE got to hosp in time and re-attached his head.He is feeling himself again. Lisa is quoting scripture correctly. Be angry but do not sin. She sinned . Busted She repented. Jesus forgave her. HE IS PERFECT YOU R LIKE LISA ME AND OTHERS A SINNER SAVED BY GRACE. get over yourself .com

  80. Anyone who teaches prosperity gospel is a false teacher. This doctrine detracts from and twists the Word of God into its own agenda, which is to make the teacher wealthy and for the students to beg for more. Call it feel good gospel or Christ-less gospel, its all the same. False teachings.
    Hinn, Osteen, Copeland, Bevere, Dollar, Furtick, Moore, Meyer. They all prey on those who are broken and hurt and seeking answers. They are all con artists.

  81. All I can say is...if you like her...love her...if you don't...ignore her. God is the only one to judge. To express whether Lisa Bevere is a false teacher or what have you and to actually put it in a blog to help warn others I find is only one persons opinion. I mean to put that much into to it to express your thoughts....doesn't seem very christian like to me. As a matter of fact it shows something more then wanting to share she is no good. It seems more personable. Right or wrong how about just praying for her. God say's everything covered is uncovered, so the truth will always come out His way if shes a false, evil individual. Anyhow everyone has an opinion but a true christian prays for others...not displays others.

  82. wow, how come the apostles didn't think of all this nifty stuff peddled by the bevere's? you can just see how POPULAR john and lisa are...and their IMPACT...wow. i'm sure their lifestyle is just as humble and empty of vainglory as their ministry...sort of a sanitized benny hinn thing. way slicker, more personal, and now-relevant SELLING POINTS; absolutely the right laodicean stuff. NOW LISTEN all you slaves to man's christianized promises: give up that self-soul life, with all its flesh impulses and love of 'lawful' worldly goodies. yeah, DUMP it all to serve Christ, or you'll end of like the bevere's. give it up to Jesus, and take the heat ('reproach') from those who love the current 'camp' of doctrinal 'breakthroughs' (heb. 13:13). the Lord wi waiting for you back at the place of SEPARATION -- you know, the place where He was separated for you, and the only place you'll find the power and desire to be separated for Him, the cross. that is, if you're serious about following Him. oh yeah, one more thing: be ready and willing for absolute anonymity; because His servants get the rewards later, from Him -- not now, not here. this place will be a time of spending and being spent, suffering for His Name's sake, and big-time self-denial. love in His Love, your brother - tim, one-time tree planter with gospel outreach, eureka, calif. (when it was zealous for the things of Christ), and another faceless laodicean escapee.

  83. I have consulted several reliable sources and I have made my own test to your post and I agree absolutely with you. Keep going, do not shut up the truth. You know how the crowds behave. Unfortunately, many have already been deceived.

    1. daniel,
      thank you for encouragement. the bevere's may be true believers, so PRAY for hearts not to be hardened in those like you, who can see through all the big shot, cross-insulting hype. because that's a danger - love growing cold. Christ will surely get the merchandisers out of His Kingdom. which will, in the end, uphold the eternal scriptural truths that all countless 'bevers' have mangled in order to justify their money-grubing ministries. constantly reference others, both believers and unsaved, to the manifestly DIFFERENT conduct, speech, motives and purposes given to us as patterns in the New Testament -- the humility, compassion, faithfulness, truth-witnessing, courage and constantly persecuted lives of our Lord and His followers. there will remain a 'philadelphian' remnant, daniel, until His return, but they are very, very few. mostly, they meet together in homes. they also spend hours in prayer and praise. they take a lot of insults from the mega-church leaders. yet they are the Lord's faithful witnesses. pray, brother, that the Holy Spirit will give you fellowship among these. if it's all your heart, then fast for it with that heart. you WILL be answered. in His hands, tim

  84. Wow. These comments could inspire me to write more than I considered. For instance I agree with the comment from the woman that mentions beware of those who speak only good of you... so true. But please think on this... what if Lisa has a talent God has given her and she is using it to the best of her ability? Sure, she's not perfect, but then neither are we. If she was perfect we would look to her and not God. So what if again, she stands before God on the last day and he says... Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful with a little, I'll give you more (my translation). Sure we should be discerning. But we shouldn't condemn. And for one who has benefited from this particular book... how do you know how God is using it? So you are not benefited from it, IF you read it as some have suggested, let those who do benefit from it not allow the enemy to steal what God is trying to heal in us, or correct in us.

  85. Thank you for this review. Someone has attacked you saying you shouldn't criticize God's anointed. I say, who says this woman is anointed? We are to be like the Bereans and study the Word to determine what is true. The reviewer has done this. We are also supposed to be wary of false teachers who tell us what our itching ears want to hear. If something is truly from the Holy Spirit, the name of Jesus will be lifted up - not the Holy Spirit Himself. I was dragged by a friend to see her and of course, the whole money-changer in the temple thing at the end. Hawking merchandise in the sanctuary. That's enough to be a big red flag.

  86. Jackie girl you're way off!!!!! Get right with God before you open your mouth

  87. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7R6AKFlWhI. At this moment in time, the Beveres are on the advising counsel of Joyce Meyer ministries. They still are very much associated with those that teach a prosperity gospel, also sometimes referred to as the word of faith movement. As Christians, we are called to speak the truth about the gospel Jesus gave us. Paul himself expressed this concern in his letter to Corinth. "But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ. For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the Spirit you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it easily enough." (Corinthians 11:3-5). Paul rebukes those who teach a distorted message: "And I will keep on doing what I am doing in order to cut the ground from under those who want an opportunity to be considered equal with us in the things they boast about. For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve." (Corinthians 11:12-15). Satan's most convincing lies are entwined with some truth that is twisted and appeals to our selfish desires/emotions. We should expect these wolves in sheep's clothing to say things that sound great and entice us. As the Body of Christ, sound doctrine is essential to not lead people astray. The prosperity gospel is a false doctrine and has the same message the devil gave Eve, it tries to convince us we can be just like God. Here is a Biblical perspective on this movement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYDwjDDel94.

  88. Sorry guys...she is telling the truth...you all need to wake up and pray for discernment...thank you Jackie for exposing and warning about John and Lisa and thank you also for taking a stand for Jesus 🙏

  89. These LB defenders are WILD. Thanks for your insights, Jackie. Keep up the good work.

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